Class 12 English Chapter 5 Ideas That Have Helped Mankind

Class 12 English Chapter 5 Ideas That Have Helped Mankind || Summery And Objective Question || Class 12 Bihar board English Chapter 5

Class 12 English Chapter 5 Ideas That Have Helped Mankind


👉 Summary of Ideas That Have Helped Mankind

“Ideas That Have Helped Mankind” is an essay written by Bertrand Russell. He was born on 18 May 1872 in United Kingdom was a British philosopher, logician (तार्किक), mathematician, historian, writer, social critic (सामाजिक आलोचक), political activist and Noble laureate (पुरस्कार विजेता).

In this essay writer has explained about the ideas which have helped mankind (मानव जाति). He says that we are civilized today but thousands of years ago we were uncivilized. We were living in jungles and caves like animal. But today we are civilized. We have pleasure of alcohol, music, poetry, game etc but animals don’t have. It is intellect (बुद्धि) and moral (नैतिक) qualities which makes us different from animals. He says that it is not known when the language started (यह मालूम नहीं है कि भाषा कब शुरू हुई) but it must be certain that it began very gradually without the language (यह निश्चित होना चाहिए कि यह भाषा के बिना बहुत धीरे-धीरे शुरू हुआ) it would have been very difficult to pass information from one generation to next generation. (एक पीढ़ी से दूसरी पीढ़ी तक सूचना पहुँचाना बहुत कठिन होता) It would also be very difficult to known about the inventions and discovers that were made time to time. (समय-समय पर किए गए आविष्कारों और खोजों के बारे में जानना भी बहुत मुश्किल होगा) The second great step is the utilization(उपयोगीकरण) of fire because earlier people(पहले के लोग) used fire only for their protection(सुरक्षा). It is assumed that a child might have thrown a piece of meat into fire and for that he might have been scolded. (यह माना जाता है कि किसी बच्चे ने मांस का एक टुकड़ा आग में फेंक दिया होगा और इसके लिए उसे डांटा गया होगा) When it might have been taken out it was found to be much better so the long history of cookery began (जब इसे निकाला गया तो यह काफी बेहतर पाया गया इसलिए खाना पकाने का लंबा इतिहास शुरू हुआ). These all are the ideas which have helped mankind.


Class 12 English Chapter 5 Ideas That Have Helped Mankind

1. The taming of ….. animals made life much pleasant. [2020A] (Choose the correct option)

(A) wild

(B) voracious

(C) weak

(D) domestic



2. Who got Nobel Prize in literature in 1950 ?

(A) Bertrand Russell

(B) M. Gandhi

(C) Dr. Zakir Hussain

(D) H.E. Bates



3. Who wrote, ‘why I am not a Christian ?

(A) Shiga Naoya

(B) Bertrand Russell

(C) M. Gandhi

(D) H.E.Bates



  1. Ideas That Have Helped Mankind is written by…..

(A) Bertrand Russell

(B) Shiga Naoya

(C) Germaine Geer

(D) Pearl S Buck



  1. Bertrand Russell was a philosopher and a

(A) historian

(B) scientist

(C) geologist

(D) politician



  1. …..was also a commentator on a large variety of topics.

(A) Mahatma Gandhi

(B) Dr. Zakir Hussain

(C) Martin Luther King Jr.

(D) Bertrand Russell



  1. In…… the last step was never taken.

(A) India

(B) China

(C) Germany

(D) France



  1. Bertrand Russell belonged to…….

(A) Britain

(B) Ireland

(C) Iceland

(D) Germany



  1. Who was a philosopher, historian and a mathematician? [2020BM]

(A) M. Gandhi

(B) Dr. Zakir Hussain

(C) Bertrand Russell

(D) H.E. Bates



  1. When ……….. was a very rare species.

(A) homo-sapiens

(B) monkey

(C) animal

(D) bird



  1. Which creatures die of hunger in large numbers during the writer?

(A) birds

(B) animals

(C) human beings



Class 12 English Chapter 5 Ideas That Have Helped Mankind

  1. Robins peck an elderly. ……….. to death.

(A) owl

(B) peacock

(C) robin

(D) pigeon



  1. The English give an elderly…….an old age pension.

(A) man

(B) animal

(C) elephant

(D) dog



  1. Has civlization taught us to be more……….. towards one another? [2018A]

(A) enemy

(B) angry

(C) upset

(D) friendly



  1. Bertrand Russel was a philosopher and a …..[2021BM]

(A) scientist

(B) politician

(C) mathematician

(D) anthropologist



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