Class 12th English Model Paper 2022 Set-7

Class 12th English Model Paper 2022 Set-7 || Bihar board English Model Paper 2022

Class 12th English Model Paper 2022 Set-7

यहां, इस पोस्ट में हमलोग Class-12th बिहार बोर्ड के English विषय का मॉडल पेपर 2022 के बारे में चर्चा करने जा रहे हैं, साथ ही हम बिहार बोर्ड परीक्षा के लिए कुछ अतिरिक्त महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न भी जानेंगे। इस पोस्ट में जितने भी प्रश्न है ये सभी आपके बोर्ड परीक्षा के लिए काफी महत्वूर्ण है, और अगर आप इन 10 Set को Solve कर लेते है तो सभी प्रश्न आपके परीक्षा में यही से आयेंगे, चलिए, शुरू करते हैं |

खण्ड – ‘अ’ / SECTION ‘A’

वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न / Objective Type Questions

प्रश्न संख्या 1 से 100 तक के प्रत्येक प्रश्न के  साथ चार विकल्प दिए गए हैं, जिनमें से एक सही है। अपने द्वारा चुने गए सही विकल्प को OMR शीट पर चिह्नित करें। किन्हीं 50 प्रश्नों का उत्तर दें ।


1. Macavity is an……. (2018A)

(A) outlaw

(B) criminals

(C) Looter

(D) diplomat



2. What you do…………… [2020A] (Choose the correct option)

(A) does not concern

(B) had not concern

(C) may not concerned

(D) will not concerned



3 .  (A) beleif

(B) belief

(C) belef

(D) bilief



4. (A) Engrave

(B) engrev

(C) engreve

(D) engrove



5. The jury ……… divided in their opinions.

(A) was

(B) were

(C) has

(D) have



6. Each boy and each girl ……. a separate


(A) has

(B) have

(C) is

(D) are



7 . The sons as well as their father…….. arrested by the police.

(A) is

(B) are

(C) has

(D) have



8. Macavity is full of…………   (2021BM)

(A) deceit

(B) generosity

(C) humility

(D) honesty



9. ………… is an extract from Sex and Destiny: The Politics of Human Fertility.

(A) A child is Born

(B) The Artist

(C) A Pinch of Snuff

(D) The Earth



10. Infant and ….. mortality is greater in traditional births.

(A) mother

(B) father

(C) sister

(D) brother



11. Rupthoka is told by ……

(A) mother

(B) aunt

(C) sister

(D) brother



12. Who visits mother’s house as a reward of pregnancy?

(A) Sylhet woman

(B) Punjabis woman

(C) Bihari woman

(D) Odishi woman



13. Who has violated the tradition of his religion by cremating?

(A) DH Lawrence

(B) TS Eliot

(C) Keki N Daruwala

(D) None of these



14. Tower of Silence is related.

(A) Parsis

(B) Hindus

(C) Sikhs

(D) None of these



15. The burning ghat erupted phosph orescence’ is taken from……. [2021BM)

(A) Song of Myself

(B) Ode to Autumn

(C) Fire-Hymn

(D) An Epitaph



16. I saw a tiger. I cried out. [2021BM]

(A) I cry as I see a tiger.

(B) I crying when I see a tiger

(C) Seeing a tiger, I cry.

(D) I cried out on seeing a tiger.



17. Who assume that readers can be made to believe anything?

(A) Hitler and Northclife

(B) Mussolini and Southclife

(C) John & Mohan

(D) Rakesh and Abdullah



18. Fact is a deity invoked by the………my in the last.

(A) people

(B) animal

(C) bird

(D) Govt.


Class 12th English Model Paper 2022 Set-7

19. I’m really sorry ……….. you.

(A) hit

(B) to hitting

(C) hitting

(D) for hitting



20. ……….to London by train yesterday?

(A) Did Mary went

(B) Mary go

(C) Did Mary go

(D) Mary goes



21. He used to………in the country.[2019A]

(A) had lived

(B) will live

(C) lived

(D) live



22. It cannot be denied…….will produce good results.

(A) working hard

(B) working so hard

(C) working such hard

(D) hardly work



23. Proprietor of the newspaper has……

(A) interest of the people

(B) national interest

(C) social interest

(D) personal interest



24. We ……….. obey the laws.

(A) would

(B) should

(C) can

(D) could



  1. We …….. get up early.

(A) should

(B) would

(C) must

(D) ought to



  1. She ………. do this work.

(A) must

(B) can

(C) could

(D) will


Class 12th English Model Paper 2022 Set-7

  1. Children ………….. obey their parents.

(A) can

(B) could

(C) should

(D) shall



  1. Dorothy L. Sayers is …… [2020BM]

(A) a novelist

(B) an essayist

(C) an doctor

(D) a singer



  1. He lifted his head from his drinking, as cattle do! is taken from the poem……

(A) Fire Hymn

(B) To Autumn

(C) Snake

(D) None of these



  1. (A) Have you read the Geeta?

(B) Are you read the Geeta?

(C) Will you read the Geeta?

(D) Is you read the Geeta?



  1. She ………. six books on Indian Mythology.

(A) have written

(B) has written

(C) will written

(D) be written




  1. He ……….. if we had taken our food.

(A) asked

(B) asks

(C) will ask

(D) had ask



  1. When Radha…………. back, she will sleep.

(A) will come

(B) comes

(C) came

(D) has come



  1. I ………….. here since morning.

(A) am waiting

(B) have been waiting

(C) had been waiting

(D) will be waiting



  1. 1………… interested in metaphysics.

(A) am always

(B) have always been

(C) had always been

(D) will always been



  1. (A) I have been reading since five years.

(B) I have been reading for five years.

(C) I have been reading form five years.

(D) I have been reading at five years.



  1. (A) How dark the night is!

(B) How dark is the night !

(C) How is dark the night!

(D) How dark are the night!



  1. (A) I wish were I young again.

(B) I wish was I you again.

(C) I wish I were young again.

(D) I wish I was young again.



  1. Who decided to hit the snake?

(A) D H Lawrence

(B) T S Eliot

(C) Keki N Daruwala

(D) None of these



  1. It was a ……….. day when the poet saw snake.

(A) cold

(B) hot

(C) humid

(D) None of these



  1. The poet had a …….. to fill with.

(A) pitcher

(B) bucket

(C) mug

(D) None of these



  1. He……… meal when the phone rang.

(A) have

(B) was taking      [2018A]

(C) having

(D) did having



  1. Last year my English course………. thirty lessons. [2018A]

(A) include

(B) will include

(C) including

(D) included



  1. I………. the door quickly, when I heard a noise outside.[2018A]

(A) shot

(B) shut

(C) shutted

(D) will shut



  1. Mercedes cars ……… made in Germany. [2020BM]

(A) have

(B) may

(C) are

(D) will



  1. We ……… to love our neighbours. [2020BM]

(A) ought

(B) should

(C) could

(D) must



  1. The bank will give interest on it and then one day, when you (Benjy) are…….

(A) 20

(B) 21

(C) 19

(D) 22



  1. Benjy had left school at……

(A) 14

(B) 15

(C) 16

(D) 13



  1. For many years Benjy’s father had been a local ……

(A) teacher

(B) farmer

(C) preacher

(D) doctor



  1. Benjy’s parents gave him a passbook when he was…. years old.

(A) 21

(B) 22

(C) 20

(D) 23



  1. The poetess in ‘My grand Mother’s house’ begs at ……… doors. [2018A]

(A) Friend’s

(B) family’s

(C) Stranger’s

(D) enemy’s



  1. Snakes were seen, among…….. in “My Grandmother’s House” [2021A]

(A) beds

(B) books

(C) tables

(D) chairs



  1. Do you understand what I mean?[2019A]

(A) What I mean is understood by you?

(B) What was I mean understood by you?

(C) What I mean is that understood by you?

(D) Is what I mean understood by you?



  1. Radha sings a song. [2020A]

(A) A song was sung by Radha

(B) A song is sung by Radha

(C) A song had sung by Radha

(D) A song were sung by Radha



  1. It ………. during the rainy season. rains [2018A]

(A) rain

(B) rains

(C) has rained

(D) had rain



  1. He is very busy………… for the journey. [2020BM]

(A) to prepare

(B) preparing

(C) to be preparing

(D) being prepared



  1. We need water to survive.

(A) Water is needed to survive by us.

(B) Water was needed by us to survive.

(C) Water will be needed to survive by us.

(D) Water may be needed by us to survive.



  1. Why do you tell a lie ?

(A) Why a lie is told by you?

(B) Why is a lie be told by you?

(C) Why is a lie told by you?

(D) Why is a lie being told by you ?



  1. The poetess in ‘My Grandmother’s House’ desires for ……. from strangers. [2021BM)

(A) food

(B) love

(C) jewellery

(D) respect



  1. Kashmir was invaded by …………. barbarian invaders.

(A) white

(B) black

(C) blue

(D) green



  1. According to Pearl S. Buck the main quality of a leader is…..

(A) selflessness

(B) selfishness

(C) communalism

(D) dishonesty



  1. India had to teach the west was………..

(A) humanity

(B) cruelty

(C) sickness

(D) None of these



  1. You …….. listen to your seniors.

(A) shall

(B) should

(C) will

(D) would



  1. You …….. to do your duty.

(A) ought

(B) should

(C) would

(D) could



  1. You ………… not disrespect seniors.

(A) must

(B) can

(C) should

(D) ought



  1. He ………. not offer sympathy.

(A) dare

(B) need

(C) could

(D) should



  1. Who wrote come, My Beloved?

(A) Pearl S. Buck

(B) H.E. Bates

(C) Dr. Zakir Hussain

(D) M. Gandhi



  1. Anton Chekhov began his career by writing ……..

(A) drama

(B) poetry

(C) comic sketches

(D) novels



  1. (A) harmoney

(B) harmony

(C) harmenoy

(D) harmonye



  1. (A) Confess

(B) confes

(C) conffes

(D) conifess



  1. (A) overwhelmed

(B) overwelmed

(C) overwelhmed

(D) ovrewhelmed



  1. He ordered me to leave the country at once.

(A) He said, “Leave the country at once.

(B) He says, “Leave the country at once.

(C) He said to me, “Leave the country at once.

(D) He will say to me, “Leave the country. at once.



  1. He said that he had been very ill.

(A) He said, “I have been very ill.”

(B) He says, “I have been very ill.”

(C) He says to me, “I have been very ill.”

(D) He said, “I am very ill.”



  1. I asked her what her subjects were.

(A) I said to her, “What is your subjects.”

(B) I told her, “What are your subjects.”

(C) I asked her, “What is you subjects.”

(D) I said to her, “What are your subjects.”



  1. They continued the meeting ……… 11 p.m. [2020BM]

(A) till

(B) in

(C) along

(D) at



  1. We aim ……… enrolling ten thousand members.

(A) on

(B) for

(C) upon

(D) at



  1. We must wait ………. he comes back.[2020BM]

(A) before

(B) until

(C) after

(D) upto



78 ……….. the girl, there is a Peepal tree.

(A) At

(B) Behind            [2020BM]

(C) Of

(D) Across



  1. She asked me, if she might come in.

(A) She said to me, “May I come in?”

(B) She told to me, “May I come in?”

(C) She said to me, “I May come in?”

(D) She said to me, “I am come in?”



  1. ……..was a dramatist and short story writer of Russia.

(A) Anton Chekhov

(B) Shiga Naoya

(C) Pearl S. Buck

(D) Bertrand Russell


Choose the best Active voice:

Class 12th English Model Paper 2022 Set-7

  1. Have my orders been carried out by you? [2019A]

(A) Will you carry out my orders?

(B) Have you carried out my orders?

(C) Can you carry out my orders?

(D) Had you carried out my orders?



  1. The room will be cleaned by Ramu.

(A) Ramu had cleaned the room [2020A] (B) Ramu was to cleaned the room

(C) Ramu will clean the room

(D) Ramu will to clean the room




  1. We are taught grammar by Mr. Singh. (A) Mr. Singh teachers us grammar.

(B) Mr. Singh taught us grammar.

(C) Mr. Singh will teach us grammar.

(D) Mr. Singh teach us grammar.



  1. They were seen quarrelling.

(A) We see them quarrel.

(B) We saw them quarrel.

(C) We were see them quarrel.

(D) We saw them quarrelling.



  1. By whom has the meal been cooked? (A) Who has cooked the meal?

(B) Who have cooked the meal?

(C) Who had cooked the meal?

(D) Who was cooked the meal ?



  1. Let the windows be closed.

(A) The windows have been closed.

(B) The windows will be closed.

(C) The windows may be closed.

(D) Close the windows.



  1. What is the area of the Ox Meadows ?

(A) forty acres

(B) thirty acres

(C) twenty acres

(D) 50 acres



  1. Who was the youngest aunt of Lomov?

(A) Natalia

(B) Mastasia

(C) Rastasia

(D) Bistasia



  1. Whose tears are like rain ?

(A) his wife’s

(B) her husband

(C) his sister

(D) None of these



  1. Who will make quicker journeys then the sun?

(A) John Donne

(B) Walt Whitman

(C) W. H. Auden

(D) None of these



  1. What does John Donne wish ?

(A) wishes nothing

(B) wishes his wife

(C) wishes something

(D) None of these



  1. The antonym of Parity is

(A) disparity

(B) imparity

(C) paritious

(D) perfect



  1. The antonym of Fickle is

(A) Silent

(B) Steadfast

(C) Slow

(D) Steady



  1. The antonym of obligatory is

(A) misobligatory

(B) voluntary

(C) violent

(D) obliged



  1. The antonym of Repulsive is

(A) attractive

(B) active

(C) disrepulsive

(D) renounce



  1. The antonym of Opaque is

(A) Transparent

(B) Transitory

(C) Still

(D) Tricky



97 . The antonym of Profound is

(A) Simple

(B) Easy

(C) Gentle

(D) Soft



  1. ‘My life’s blood doth decay’ is from …….. [2020BM]

(A) Fire-Hymn

(B) Snake

(C) To Autumn

(D) Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe



  1. We can make no progress if we continue working ………… these conditions. [2021A]

(A) into

(B) with

(C) under

(D) for


Bihar board Class 12 English Book Solution

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दोस्तों, अगर आप इंटर बोर्ड परीक्षा 2022 की तैयारी कर रहे हैं और English के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नों को और Summery सभी Chapter का  पढ़ना चाहते हैं, तो आपको यहाँ पर English के सभी महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न मिल जायेंगे, और अगर आप इन सभी Questions को याद कर लेते है तो आपकी तैयारी बहुत अच्छी हो जाएगी| सभी महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न का लिंक नचे दिया हुआ है , जिस पर Click करके आप सभी महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नों को और Summery को पढ़ सकते हैं।

 S.N English  Class  12th  Solution
 1 Indian Civilization And Culture 
 2  Bharat is My Home
 3 A Pinch of Snuff
 4  I Have a Dream
5 Ideas that have Helped Mankind
 6 The Artist
7  A Child Is Born
8 How Free is the Press
9 The Earth
10 India Through a Traveller’s Eyes
11 A Marriage Proposal
1 Sweetest Love I do Not Goe
2 Song Of Myself
3 Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast
4 Ode to Autumn
5 An Epitaph
6 The Soldier
7 Macavity : The Mystery Cat
8 Fire Hymm
9 Snake
10 My Grandmother’s House

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