Class 12th English Model Paper 2022 Bihar board

Class 12th English Model Paper 2022 Bihar board Set-1 || Bihar board English Model Paper 2022

Class 12th English Model Paper 2022 Bihar board

यहां, इस पोस्ट में हमलोग Class-12th बिहार बोर्ड के English विषय का मॉडल पेपर 2022 के बारे में चर्चा करने जा रहे हैं, साथ ही हम बिहार बोर्ड परीक्षा के लिए कुछ अतिरिक्त महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न भी जानेंगे। इस पोस्ट में जितने भी प्रश्न है ये सभी आपके बोर्ड परीक्षा के लिए काफी महत्वूर्ण है, और अगर आप इन 10 Set को Solve कर लेते है तो सभी प्रश्न आपके परीक्षा में यही से आयेंगे, चलिए, शुरू करते हैं

खण्ड – ‘अ’ / SECTION ‘A’

वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न / Objective Type Questions

प्रश्न संख्या 1 से 100 तक के प्रत्येक प्रश्न के  साथ चार विकल्प दिए गए हैं, जिनमें से एक सही है। अपने द्वारा चुने गए सही विकल्प को OMR शीट पर चिह्नित करें। किन्हीं 50 प्रश्नों का उत्तर दें ।


1. Lomov wants to marry…..(Choose the correct option)  [2019A]

(A) Jessica

(C) Susan

(B) Natalia

(D) Florence



2. A Marriage Proposal’ was written by [2020A]

(A) Zakir Hussain

(B) H. E. Bates

(C) Mahatma Gandhi

(D) Anton Chekhov



3. Which language has became a global language?

(A) English

(B) Hindi

(C) French

(D) Latin



4. Which language has a bright future?

(A) French

(B) Russian

(C) Hindi

(D) English



5. The antonym of Adequate is

(A) indifferent

(B) inadquate

(C) disadequate

(D) disqualify



6. The antonym of adversity is

(A) prosperity

(B) prosperous

(C) progressive

(D) profound



7. The antonym of Antique is

(A) Fresh

(B) bright

(C) new

(D) differ



8. Which language functions as a link language between to south and north India?

(A) Hindi

(B Tamil

(C) Martha.

(D) English



9. Who are known as the international Indian English writers ?

(A) Salman Rushdie and V S Naipul

(B) R.K. Narayan & Mulk Raj Anand

(C) Anita Desai and Anita Ghosh

(D) Sarojini Naidu and Arundhati Roy



10. Lomov was the of Choobookov.

(A) neighbour

(B) enemy

(C) friend

(D) sister



11. The dog ran ………. the road.

(A) across

(B) with

(C) for

(D) through



12. Kabir was born ……… humble parents.

(A) of

(B) in

(C) by

(D) on



13. We are expecting the reply …….. evening.

(A) by

(B) for

(C) in

(D) on



14. The man died ………. fever.

(A) of

(B) with

(C) by

(D) for



15. …… is the daughter of Choobookov. [2020BM]

(A) Matalia

(B) Natalia

(C) Ratalia

(D) Satalia



16. The line ‘Nor in the hope, the world can show A fitter love for me; is from……… (Choose the correct option) [2019A]

(A) Fire Hymn

(B) To Autumn

(C) Snake

(D) Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe.



  1. “That thou love’st mee, as thou say’st, is from (Choose the correct option) [2020A]

(A) Snake

(B) The Soldier

(C) Song of Myself

(D) Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe



  1. The antonym of Benevolent is

(A) benevolence

(B) disbenevolent

(C) malevolent

(D) misbenevolent



  1. The antonym of Parity is

(A) disparity

(B) imparity

(C) paritious

(D) perfect



  1. John Donne is going to….. leaving his wife behind.

(A) Germany

(B) France

(C) England

(D) Italy


Class 12th English Model Paper 2022 Bihar board

  1. What is the period of the Middle English Period in the history of English?

(A) 1100 AD to 1450 AD

(B) 1150 AD to 1500 AD

(C) 1650 AD to 2000 AD

(D) 1000 AD to 1350 AD



  1. What are you ……. about? [2021A]

(A) talk

(B) talking

(C) will talk

(D) talk


Class 12th English Model Paper 2022 Bihar board

  1. Marigold………. bloom in summer. [2021BM]

(A) should not

(B) had not

(C) does not

(D) have not



  1. Which language is not our native language?

(A) English

(B) Hindi

(C) Tamil

(D) Malayalam



  1. Which period’s known as the childhood period of the English language?

(A) Old English period

(B) Middle English period

(C) Modern English period

(D) None of these



  1. Which thing has enriched the vocabulary of English?

(A) Giving

(B) borrowing

(C) withdrawing

(D) depositing



  1. Who were known as the University wits ?

(A) Elizabethan scholars

(B) Victorian scholars

(C) Indian scholars

(D) British scholars



  1. Who was the great-dramatist of the Elizabeth Age?

(A) Charles Dickens

(B) Shakespeares

(C) Daniel Defoe

(D) Thomas Henry



  1. Who wrote the ‘Arms and the men’?

(A) G.B. Shaw

(B) Marlowe

(C) Shakespeare

(D) Ben Johnson



30 ……..wants to gladly accept death.

(A) TS Eliot

(B) Walt Whitman

(C) John Donne

(D) John Keats



31. The sentence, ‘The distinguishing characteristic of modern civilization is our indefinite multiplicity of wants’ is form. [2019A]

(Choose the correct option)

(A) Indian Civilization and Culture

(B) I Have a Dream

(C) A child is Born

(D) The Earth



32. I believe that the civilization India has evolved is not to be beaten in the world’ is from… (Choose the correct option) [2020A]

(A) Indian Civilization and Culture

(B) India Through a Traveller’s Eyes

(C) The Earth

(D) Bharat is My Home



  1. ‘My Experiments with Truth’ was written by …

(A) Maulane Abul Kalam Azad

(B) J.L. Nehru

(C) Sardar Patel

(D) Mahatma Gandhi



  1. The world famous Attic civilization is in …

(A) Greece

(B) Italy

(C) Spain

(D) Portugal



  1. The poet is Song of Myself…… for himself.

(A) cries
(B) sings
(C) laughs

(D) shouts



  1. The…… of death are the whispering neighbours.

(A) Messengers

(B) Friends

(C) Enemies

(D) God



  1. Song of Myself is written by …….

(A) Walt Whitman

(B) Walter de la Mare

(C) Rupert Brooke

(D) John Donne



  1. She rushed ……… my room.

(A) into

(B) with

(C) for

(D) after



  1. His friends condoled ……… him on his bereavement.

(A) with

(B) without

(C) for

(D) on



  1. I am sick …….. the entire episode.

(A) of

(B) in

(C) with

(D) at



  1. He is blind ……… one eye.

(A) in

(B) with

(C) to

(D) for



  1. Walt Whitman is ….. years old.

(A) 35

(B) 36

(C) 37

(D) 38



  1. Dr. Zakir Hussain had also served as the Governor of …………..(Choose the correct option) [2020A]

(A) West Bengal

(B) Assam

(C) Bihar

(D) Karnataka



  1. Dr. Zakir Hussain was born in…….

(A) 1969

(B) 1897

(C) 1967

(D) 1896



  1. The doctor…… you if you go to him.

(A) treat

(B) will treat

(C) treated

(D) None of these



  1. He promised that he …….. hard.

(A) would work.

(B) can work

(C) has work

(D) did work




  1. It ………. during the rainy season. rains [2018A]

(A) rain

(B) rains

(C) has rained

(D) had rain




  1. He is very busy………… for the journey. [2020BM]

(A) to prepare

(B) preparing

(C) to be preparing

(D) being prepared



  1. Dr. Zakir Hussain became the President of India in …….

(A) 1969

(B) 1967

(C) 1966

(D) 1965


50……. was the role model of Dr. Zakir Hussain.

(A) Dr. Radha Krishnan

(B) Dr. Rajendra Pd.

(C) Indira Gandhi

(D) Sardar Patel



  1. The line ‘And the prams go rolling on’ if from …………(Choose the correct option) [2019A]

(A) Snake

(B) To Autumn

(C) Now the Leaves Are Falling Fast

(D) Fire Hymn



  1. “Nurses to the grave are gone” is from [2020A]

(A) An Epitaph

(B) Fire-Hymn

(C) Now the Leaves are Falling Fast

(D) The Soldier



  1. The new variety of English that developed in America is called ………

(A) British English

(B) American English

(C) Indian English

(D) Russian English




  1. Colour word is related to………..

(A) American English

(B) British English

(C) Indian English

(D) French English



  1. Which language has become a passport to jobs in India and abroad?

(A) French

(B) Chinese

(C) German

(D) English



  1. And the nightingale is dumb And the …………. will not ome. (Choose the correct option) [2020A]

(A) trolls

(B) prams

(C) angle

(D) distress



  1. W. H. Auden won the …….. Prize in 1948.(Choose the correct option) [2020A]

(A) Pulitzer

(B) Man Booker

(C) Nobel

(D) Sahitya Akademi



  1. A Pinch of Snuff is written by……

(A) Manohar Malgaonkar

(B) Germaine Greer

(C) Dorothy L Sayers

(D) HE Bates



  1. The cat jumped ………. the chair.

(A) after

(B) upon

(C) for

(D) with



  1. The work was done ……… haste.

(A) in

(B) at

(C) with

(D) upon



  1. I have no use ……… it.

(A) of

(B) for

(C) at

(D) with



  1. …… is a humorous story.

(A) The Artist

(B) A Pinch of Snuff

(C) A Child is Broni

(D) The Earth



  1. Nanukaka in a linguistic emergency always to his……

(A) Mother tongue.

(B) Hindi

(C) English

(D) French



  1. The second important person Nanukaka had planned to meet was……

(A) The Welfare Minister

(B) The Home Minister

(C) The Foreign Minister

(D) The Railway Minister



  1. Ode to…… is an ode.

(A) season

(B) winter

(C) rain

(D) autumn



  1. Walt Whitman was an/a…………..

(A) American poet

(B) British poet

(C) Russian poet

(D) Indian poet


  1. Who has written ‘She stoops to conquer’ ?

(A) G.W. Shaw

(B) Oliver Goldsmith

(C) T.S Eliot

(D) Sheriden



68…… was a great lover of Nature.

(A) John Keats

(B) WH Auden

(C) Rupert Brooke

(D) John Donne


  1. 69. Keats is a …….poet.

(A) Romantic

(B) War

(C) Metaphysical

(D) Melancholic



  1. To Autumn is written by……

(A) John Keats

(B) Walter de la Mare

(C) John Donne

(D) Keki N Daruwala



  1. The prose-piece…………. is a speech delivered by Martin Luther King, Jr. (2020A]

(Choose the correct option)

(A) Indian Civilization and the Culture

(B) I Have a Dream

(C) The Earth

(D) A Marriage Proposal



  1. Science ………. our opinion.

(A) is affect

(B) affects

(C) are affect

(D) None of these




  1. Sania Mirza ……….tennis

(A) playing

(B) plays

(C) is plays

(D) None of these




  1. Children ………….. to school everyday.

(A) go

(B) goes

(C) is going

(D) None of these




  1. The angry tiger ………. on the youth.

(A) pounce

(B) pounced

(C) is pounce

(D) None of these



  1. The president ……… tomorrow.

(A) arrives

(B) arriving

(C) arrived

(D) None of these



  1. Martin Luther King Jr. belonged to ……

(A) The USA

(B) Britain

(C) Germany

(D) France



  1. Martin Luther King Jr. was a …..

(A) Negro

(B) American

(C) French

(D) German



  1. Who said, “My children will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.”

(A) Mahatma Gandhi

(B) Dr. Zakir Hussain

(C) Martin Luther King Jr.

(D) H. E. Bates



  1. The line, I think she was the most beautiful lady is from – (Choose the correct option) [2019A]

(A) Snake

(B) Fire Hymn

(C) To Autumn

(D) An Epitaph



  1. Who has written a number of poems for children?

(A) Walter De la Mare

(B) T S Eliot

(C) D H Lawrence

(D) None of these



  1. An Epitaph is written by……..

(A) John Keats

(B) Walter de la Mare

(C) John Danne

(D) W.H. Auden



  1. Walter de la Mare knew a …….. who is now dead.

(A) lady

(B) girl

(C) boy

(D) lord



  1. The taming of ….. animals made life much pleasant. [2020A]

(Choose the correct option)

(A) wild

(B) voracious

(C) weak

(D) domestic



  1. Who got Nobel Prize in literature in 1950 ?

(A) Bertrand Russell

(B) M. Gandhi

(C) Dr. Zakir Hussain

(D) H.E. Bates



  1. Who wrote, ‘why I am not a Christian ?

(A) Shiga Naoya

(B) Bertrand Russell

(C) M. Gandhi

(D) H.E.Bates



  1. Let us have ……… smoke now.

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) None of these



  1. This room is full of …………. smoker.

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) None of these



  1. Ram is not ………. popular leader.

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) None of these



  1. He plays ………. table.

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) None of these



  1. Have you seen …….. Red Fort.

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) None of these



  1. Eggs are sold by ……… dozen.

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) None of these



93. Ideas That Have Helped Mankind is written by…..

(A) Bertrand Russell

(B) Shiga Naoya

(C) Germaine Geer

(D) Pearl S Buck



  1. The images and praises of….. run through both the stanzas.

(A) The USA

(B) England

(C) Germany

(D) France


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The dust stands for the ……..

(A) farmer

(B) teacher

(C) leader

(D) soldier


Class 12th English Model Paper 2022 Bihar board

96. The Soldier is written by ……..

(A) Rupert Brooke

(B) Kamala Das

(C) W. H. Auden

(D) John Donne



  1. The Soldier is a…… poem.

(B) happy

(A) love

(C) nature

(D) war



98. Seibei was passionately interested in ……..[2020A] (Choose the correct option)

(A) toys

(B) gourds

(C) fruits

(D) muic



  1. Shiga Naoya is a …… writer. [2019A,2020BM)

(A) Japanese

(B) Chinese

(C) Indian

(D) Bhutanese



  1. Seibei reads at …….school.

(A) Primary

(B) High

(C) Middle

(D) +2 school


Bihar board Class 12 English Book Solution

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दोस्तों, अगर आप इंटर बोर्ड परीक्षा 2022 की तैयारी कर रहे हैं और English के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नों को और Summery सभी Chapter का  पढ़ना चाहते हैं, तो आपको यहाँ पर English के सभी महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न मिल जायेंगे, और अगर आप इन सभी Questions को याद कर लेते है तो आपकी तैयारी बहुत अच्छी हो जाएगी| सभी महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न का लिंक नचे दिया हुआ है , जिस पर Click करके आप सभी महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नों को और Summery को पढ़ सकते हैं। 

 S.N English  Class  12th  Solution
 1 Indian Civilization And Culture 
 2  Bharat is My Home
 3 A Pinch of Snuff
 4  I Have a Dream
5 Ideas that have Helped Mankind
 6 The Artist
7  A Child Is Born
8 How Free is the Press
9 The Earth
10 India Through a Traveller’s Eyes
11 A Marriage Proposal
1 Sweetest Love I do Not Goe
2 Song Of Myself
3 Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast
4 Ode to Autumn
5 An Epitaph
6 The Soldier
7 Macavity : The Mystery Cat
8 Fire Hymm
9 Snake
10 My Grandmother’s House

Bihar board Class 12 English Book Solution

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